Jay Lee joined hand with Debe Sham to organise the Fotomo Workshop themed around the history of Kowloon City for the “Keywords Expedition: Visual Arts Learning Exhibition” by We-search. Participants made simple historical timelines of the district and chose the matching photos themselves, which gave them a visual understanding of some important history of Hong Kong. They also created models of Kowloon City in different times out of their imagination.
於We-search 所舉辦的「捉字室|字遊歷史:視藝教育成果展」中,Jay Lee x Debe Sham 合作策劃的一個以九龍城地區歷史為題材的立體拼貼工作坊。參與者可在工作坊中設計簡易的歷史時間線和相應配對的圖片,從而視覺認知九龍城背後所見證的重要香港歷史,與此同時還可發揮想像拼貼出自己心目中橫跨不同時空的九龍城。
Keywords|The Keywords Expedition: Visual Art Learning Exhibition