Jay Lee, Fonny Lau and Debe Sham co-designed the “Marbling Elephant” painting workshop held for the Elephant Parade 2014 by CNCBI Knowledge Angel Academy, St. James' Settlement and We-search. Participants first gained an understanding of elephants’ feelings and the body structure of the species in a game, and then observed them and learnt to describe their different appearances. At last, they coloured a baby elephant statue with art prints made by the marbling (floating ink) technique. Their completed work was exhibited afterwards in the Elephant Parade, an activity that took place in Cityplaza, before it was put on public display in CNCBI’s branches in Sheung Wan, Lippo Centre and Des Voeux Road Central. After that, the piece was stored in the Asbury Methodist Primary School.

「中信銀行(國際)知識天使書院」、 聖雅各福群會、We-search三者 合作,為2014 「大象巡遊」舉辦的「浮墨‧印象」手繪藝術工作坊。工作坊由Jay Lee x Fonny Lau x Debe Sham 三位參與設計,學員先從遊戲活動中感知象的感受、認識象的身體構造,接著觀察學習和描繪象的形態,並以浮墨拓印的技法為初生象的雕塑著色。作品完成後在太古城中心舉行的「大象巡遊」(Elephant Parade®)活動中參與展出,隨後先後擺放於信銀國際上環、力寶中心及德輔道中分行作公眾展覽,最終藏於亞斯理衛理小學。

CNCBI Knowledge Angel Academy x St. Jame x We-search
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